Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Warning Track

Picture yourself walking out of a play put on by actors with really bad Shakespearean accents. You didn't understand what was happening on stage, but you're hopeful "the experience" provided a little contact culture.

That's me every night watching the game.

I know I'm supposed to be noticing plays developing and anticipating which pitches will come next. Instead I'm chipping away at my nail polish and letting the innings all blend together. Whoops, someone just hit a homerun and the score jumped up three runs... how did those other runners get on base?

Slowly though, I'm starting to notice things I've always let waft around me as part of "the experience." Take for instance, the warning track.

I don't know when I decided the warning track was above my level of baseball comprehension. It's such a simple concept- the warning track is the area between the field and the wall, usually filled in with dirt. It's purpose is to warn fielders that they are nearing the wall as they run to make a catch with their eyes on the ball.

Dave caught himself mid-smirk when I made the proclamation last night that it was time to figure out the warning track. But really, think about how it is used, and follow my husbands lead (c'mon, I know you're smirking* too). It's more than just another location on the field. Shot out to..., caught in the..., running towards the....

Okay, I get it. It is just a location on the field. I guess it's just going to take more experience to make this more than just an experience.

Now we're all confused.

*Maybe this will stop the smirking. The term warning track started in the old Yankee Stadium. The Yanks set up an actual running track around the field for the players to work out on.


  1. And where would we be without the phrase "warning track power" which is an oxymoron used to define the complete lack of power of a hitter who just can't hit a home run? And up to last night, described much of the Red Sox lineup.

  2. Allison,

    You are do a nice job, I like you new found passion and quest for knowledge.

  3. Allison,

    I'm a long time reader, first time commenter. Thanks for sharing your transition with us!

    When I was a young baseball fan, I got so excited to go to baseball games--just to keep the official score. It provided endless entertainment for me, before I found out about beer. (Well, maybe "endless" is the wrong word. "Finite" might be better. I always got bored by the 4th inning when I started wanting dessert and looking for the Sports Bar guy.)

    So, if you're not doing anything but your nails (which, of course, won't get done on their own), you might keep busy and get a little more interested in what seem like repetitive details by keeping The Score...

    At least until the ice cream guy comes around.
